Buffy the Vampire Slayer: This is a show about adolescence. (reviewed before): A+ if you're a teenage girl. B otherwise.
Angel: Angel is a more grown-up version of Buffy. It's very good, and it gets better as the show moves on. The show claims to be about redemption, but it's really more about finding your chosen family. B+
Firefly: This might be the best television show that has ever been. It's epic, even though it's only 14 episodes. Every character is awesome, amazing, and a complete, complicated, weird, unique human being. The costumes and set design are astounding. Whenever I watch other sci-fi (including great sci-fi like Battlestar) that's been made since, I can see the Firefly influence. If you've never seen it, watch this INSTANTLY! I don't mean that you should stream it; I mean, whatever you're doing right now, stop and go watch Firefly. A++
http://movies.netflix.com/Movie/Dollhouse-Season-1/70108140?trkid=1660 Buy the dvd from amazon: Firefly - The Complete Series
Serenity: I expected this movie to be mediocre, but it's a great ending to Firefly. It doesn't make up for all the seasons that never were, but it ties things up well, while staying true to the characters, themes, and aesthetic of Firefly. It would be much better to watch the show before the movie. I give it a solid A. This movie has GREAT special features, it's totally worth it buy it on DVD or Blu-Ray. Serenity [Blu-ray]
Dollhouse: This is a show about identity, and the quest for self. It's also a show about big evil corporations bringing about the apocalypse. Also, it has the most awesome mad scientist character ever, his name is Topher. Season One is much, much stronger than season 2. In season 2, I think Joss knew the show was getting canceled and tried to cram 5 seasons worth of plot into one season. Things move very fast, with insufficient exposition. The characters grow and change in this sort of weird punctuated way. All that being said, season 2 is still awesome, and the final episode is one of the best TV endings ever. Season 1: A+, Season 2: A-
Dr. Horrible's Singalong Blog: I don't really know how to describe this except that it's goofy, musical, comic book fun. Goofy, musical, comic-book fun written by Joss Whedon. It gets a B from me. (and I hate goofy, musical comic-book fun)
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