Friday, December 2, 2011


Here are some other movies I recommend which are currently available to stream, some classics, but some less popular and older stuff you might not have heard of too:

Ip Man -- I'm usually not a big fan of kung fu movies, but this one is a beautiful and moving biopic set during the Japanese occupation of China.  Ip Man is a Wing Chun master who leads a rebellion. Interesting side note:  He eventually (several decades after this movie is set) taught Bruce Lee martial arts.

Lord of the Rings: Two Towers  -- If you need an explanation of this movie, we're not friends.

Everything Is Illuminated -- This is a weird little movie about an American writer who goes to Ukraine to discover his family's past and discovers...a weird little movie.

Howl's Moving Castle  -- This is a beautiful animated movie about a magician.  Very steampunk.  Very awesome.  Also, the witch looks just like the college counselor at my school.

Louie  -- This show is very, very funny.  Watch it.

The Guild  -- This is a web series by Felicia Day (the red head from the end of Dollhouse or Dr. Horrible's Singalong Blog) about WOW.  Super geeky fun.  Bonus: Will Wheton.

Like Water for Chocolate  -- A beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Spanish movie about love and magic and cooking.

Nosferatu -- The original vampire movie.  Lovely and strange.

The Producers -- So much funnier than the new one.

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