This is a movie we watched over and over and over in college. I wasn't sure if it would hold up to being watched under less...auspicious circumstances. But, I saw that it was up on Netflix Instant and thought I'd give it a shot. Turns out it was written and directed by Peter Jackson (the Lord of the Rings guy), several years before even Heavenly Creatures (another movie I highly recommend). Back in the paleolithic era, when I was in school, no one had ever heard of Peter Jackson.
Dead Alive is a zombie movie, but saying that really doesn't do it justice. It's hilarious! It's similar in tone to Shaun of the Dead crossed with The Evil Dead, and with the goofiest Sumatran Rat-Monkey you've ever seen! And the best quote ever from a zombie ass-kicking kung-fu fighting priest: "I kick ass for the Lord!"
As a side note, the movie heavily features Aleister Crowley's Thoth tarot deck, with some weird modifications (check out The Star card).